This website is Jérémie Cheney's space on the World Wide Web: it serves as a sort of lab to experiment, build and publish things on the web.
This website is being continuously developed with components and functionalities which I build myself using well established, preferably open source, technologies (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, etc.). One of my goals with this project is to hone my skills in programming and web development and achieve a professional level. In this perspective, I devoted myself to build this site entirely from the ground up, learning as much as possible in the process and gradually adopting new tools and new technics to improve my work flow.
Client-side, this site relies on its own JavaScript library designed to precisely respond to my purposes and ideas related to various ongoing and forthcoming projects. This library is compiled using Google Closure Compiler to ensure code quality.
One key feature of this JavaScript library is the integration of AJAX functionalities at its core. To put it in practice, this site navigation was designed from the get go to work with AJAX requests. It works in a way similar to what we find on so called "single web page applications" but with the major difference that this site is intended to become the basis of an entire publishing system.
This JavaScript library also make use of the ever-evolving concept of web component to organize the code in a modular fashion. Today's web components, although paramount to the development of client-side UI technologies, are still on their way to standardization. Many approaches exist which allow web developers to build web components and there is a wealth of new ideas and projects coming from all sides to experiment and build upon. Large parts of this JavaScript library are dedicated to building web components which are then put to the test live on this site. Some of these can be adapted to work with existing client-side frameworks.
Server-side, this site is built on top of a multi-purpose MVC framework programmed by myself in PHP. This framework primary purpose is to provide the foundations of a lightweight CMS system used to manage this site content. If you are a web developer yourself, you probably have gone through the same process. It all started with the classic "build your own blog" type of PHP beginner project. Over the years, the project has grown to become the server-side basis of this web lab.
This space on the web will also be used to publish documents related to other fields of interest. Feel free to explore and test as you like. Comments, ideas & suggestions are welcomed ! Contact me :)