Hardware and Software Requirements
This program requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 8 or newer. You probably already have a JRE installed on your machine. If that is not the case, you can download it from https://java.com/en/download
Although this program does not have any particular hardware requirement, your machine specifications (CPU, RAM and type of storage) will be determinant of its performance.
As it is multi-platform by design, this program should work on most machines.
Installing this program is very simple as it does not require any system modifications. This program is portable: it does not depend on any platform specific libraries.
Follow these indications:
1. Download the archive file containing the program package
2. Extract the archive content to a place on your hard drive where you store installed programs. This is usually C:\Program Files but you are free to choose any location.
TIP: Make sure the program you use to extract the archive content is creating a directory where the extracted files will be placed. This is generally the case but if in doubt, create a temporary directory and extract the archive content in it. You can then reuse this temporary directory. Rename it and move it so that it serves as the installation directory.
3. Create a link to the program executable: right-click on it and select create a shortcut
TIP: The program executable file is easy to find: its name ends with the .exe extension.
4. Copy this link to various places so to create various ways to start the program (shortcut bar, desktop, etc.)
5. Add the link to the start menu. The program should now be available to quick start: press the windows key (also know as the super key) and start typing the program name. Once selected, press return to launch it.
To remove the program, delete the links you created and delete the program folder.
1. Choose an installation directory. When installing independent programs from sources other than your distribution repositories, recommended pratice is to use the /opt directory. Programs installed in this directory are intended to be available to all system users.
It is also possible to install the program in a dedicated subdirectory in your /home directory or your personal ~/bin directory, in which case the program will only be available to you. Another possible choice is /usr/local although this location is intended for locally compiled programs to be distinguished from pre-compiled programs obtained from various sources.
2. Download the archive file containing the program package and extract it in the installation directory.
3. Make sure the installation directory is in your $PATH so you can start the program from the shell and/or create a desktop entry as explained in the following lines.
In order to integrate the program in their environment, Gnome users, as well as users of other desktop environments conforming to the freedesktop specifications like KDE, can create a desktop entry in ~/.local/share/applications
This desktop entry is a small text file containing informations about the program, its icon and an execution command.
Use the following example to create the desktop entry, or copy the file jcscan.desktop from the program package to ~/.local/share/applications
[Desktop Entry] Name=JCScan GenericName=JCScan Storage Analyzer Exec=java -Dswing.crossplatformlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel -jar /opt/jcscan-0.1/jcscan-0.1.jar Terminal=false Icon=/opt/jcscan-0.1/bulb-256x256.png Type=Application Categories=Application;Utility;DataVisualization;FileTools;Filesystem; Comment=JCScan Storage Analyzer
Beware that in this example, the installation directory is /opt. Should you choose to install the program in a different directory, modify the paths accordingly for the Exec and Icon parameters.
Add execution permission with: sudo chmod 744 ~/.local/share/applications/jcscan.desktop
The program is now available in the desktop menus: bring up the application launcher and type the program name first letters, press return or click the right icon.
Linux (alternative)
Another approach consist in using a startup script.
The following script starts the program from the command line, setting the program process as a background process and redirecting its output.
#!/bin/bash java -Dswing.crossplatformlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel -jar /path/to/install/directory/jcscan.jar > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Replace /path/to/install/directory/ with the path to the installation directory and replace jcscan.jar with the right jar file name (adding the version number to the file name).
You can use the startup script named jcscan which you will find in the program package. Check the path to the installation directory and modify it if necessary.
Add execution permission with: sudo chmod 744 /path/to/install/directory/jcscan
Next, you can either:
1. create a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin (or any directory present in the command path) to the startup script with: ln -s /path/to/install/directory/jcscan /usr/local/bin/jcscan or
2. add the script location to your $PATH environment variable.
TIP: On most Linux desktop systems, adding the startup script location to the system login shell command path, or simply creating a link to the startup script in /usr/local/bin, makes it accessible from the system run command box activated with the ALT+F2 key combination.
Mac OS
You can start the program from the command line with: java -jar ~/install-directory/jcscan.jar
Replace ~/install-directory/ with the path to the installation directory and replace jcscan.jar with the right jar file name (adding the version number to the file name).
Jérémie Cheney (https://jeremiecheney.net)